Friday 27 June 2014

Share a Scare - 6th annual NL ghost story writing contest

Once again the three St. John’s city libraries are coming together to present youth in the St John’s area with an opportunity to share. We are hosting our 6th annual ghost story writing contest with celebrity judge, Dale Jarvis (international storyteller, personality, author and cultural protector of NL culture).

St. John’s is a wonderful old city steeped in mystery, folklore and spooky tales, so what could be better than sharing a creepy story? This is an opportunity for children ages 7-17 to share their stories and showcase their writing and story-telling talents. The winner receives a $50 Chapters gift card , a gift bag full of writing goodies, a chance to talk to an award winning author and a showcase for their work. 

Drop off your entry at the library nearest you before October 17 or visit and email your entry to

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