Sunday, 17 January 2010

The Ghostly Ballerinas of Gower Street

Stories of true encounters with the paranormal continue to be told to this very day in St. John's, Newfoundland. In this podcast, storyteller and author Dale Jarvis shares a story of ghostly ballerinas that dates back to the years of the Second World War. In the tale, a young girl receives nightly visitations from phantom dancers, as well as a black-haired lady in a black dress. When the girl's mother finds an old photograph at the bottom of a drawer, the mystery deepens.

The story is taken from the author's book "Wonderful Strange: Ghosts, Fairies and Fabulous Beasties of Newfoundland and Labrador" published by Flanker Press.

Download the story as an MP3 at:

Or listen to a streaming audio version of the tale at: