Monday, 26 April 2010

Storyteller on the road: A Wisconsin Postcard

I've just finished the Northlands Storytelling Network conference in Green Lake, Wisconsin, and barely know where to begin. The conference was great, and packed full of stories and wonderful conversations with storytellers. It is a very busy conference, with lots of great workshops and storytelling concerts. Some highlights for me:

  • Jeff Gere from Hawai'i and his great Pele and chicken skin stories;
  • Greg Weiss's workshop, and great ideas for using story cards with kids to create stories;
  • Sue Black's fantastic story (with a rather grisly stew recipe);
  • Cathryn Fairlee's illustrated talk on traditional Chinese teahouse storytelling;
  • Debra Morningstar's great workshop on who should tell aboriginal stories;
  • Having another Canadian there this year, Renee Englot of Alberta;
  • Hanging out with the American tellers who are coming to the 2010 St. John's Storytelling Conference this July; and,
  • "Goldilocks and the Three Beers"...
Thanks to the very large, very enthusiastic group who braved my early Sunday morning workshop on working with historical material!


Jeff Gere

Sue Black

Debra Morningstar

Cathryn Fairlee

Renee Englot

July 2010 Conference

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