Friday, 7 January 2011

Storytelling Circle Events for 2011

Happy New Year! A new season of storytelling is upon us, and we've got most of our hosts lined up for the 2011 Storytelling Circles at the Crow's Nest. We've got some old favourites, and some new ones, including a special visit in July from Massachusetts storyteller Karen Chace. We're also talking with the Folk Arts Society about co-hosting a Story Slam in March, so stay tuned.

Our first night in January is a bit later than usual. We've had to shift the date to January 20th, so mark that on your calendars.

Our first host of the year, Crystal Martin, is a multimedia graduate who grew up in a tiny fishing village and enjoyed many Newfoundland traditions including storytelling. Today Crystal's hobbies includes gathering information on her family history, and preserving the memories of home with interviews, film, and restoring old photographs of relatives. She has also performed in numerous drama productions including the play "No Man is an Island", and has taught the piano during most of her teenage years. Crystal has been telling stories at the storytelling circle since fall of 2009.

You can see who will be hosting for the rest of the year at We'll be adding other hosts as they are confirmed.

See you at the Crow's Nest on the 20th!

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