Monday, 29 October 2012

Skeletons in the Closet - Win $150 for the best story Hallowe'en Night

Hallowe'en Night
{9 pm, The Ship Pub}
Part of the St. John's Storytelling Festival 2012

Hosted by Dale Jarvis and musical guest, Daniel Payne. A Story Slam is a contest of words; imagine a poetry slam format meets Canadian Idol, with a storytelling twist. Prize of $150. Presented in collaboration with the Folk Arts Society of Newfoundland & Labrador.

A life and death storytelling competition, the theme of this terrifying tilt of tales will be "Skeletons in the Closet"! So check your closets and see if what's lurking inside is fit to bring to the may get you $150 bucks! It may get you arrested! It may remind you it's time to clean the house! Just remember to keep it to 5 minutes, or else...

We'll be using five judges from the audience to score the stories. This is how we will be running the scoring, borrowed from the Once Upon A Slam series in Ottawa:

"We have the 5 randomly-chosen-from-the-audience judges. Each judge will give a score out of 10 to 1 decimal place i.e.. 8.3, 9.5, 7.9, you get the idea. The highest score and the lowest score are dropped to get a score out of 30. If there is a time penalty, it is deducted and the total score is given. The highest total score after penalties wins the slam.... The judges are instructed to give half the score for the content of the story and half for how it is told. So, someone who is really engaging and entertaining but tells a story without much meat to it won’t score as well as someone who has a balance of both."

Host: Dale Jarvis

Dale Jarvis tells ghost stories, legends and traditional tales from Newfoundland and beyond. Founder of the St. John’s Storytelling Circle, Dale is also the host of the St. John’s Haunted Hike, named “Event of the Year” by the City of St. John’s. Author of four books on Newfoundland folklore and ghost stories, Dale has also taught workshops across North America on historical storytelling.

Musician: Daniel Payne

Daniel Obediah Payne is from the town of Cow Head on the Northern Peninsula. For over a decade now, he has worked as a professional musician, performing the traditional music of Newfoundland and Labrador, as well as collecting songs and dance tunes from older traditional players around the province.

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