Saturday 27 April 2013

Reflections on Sci-Fi On The Rock 7 for Saturday

I had a fun day today at Sci-Fi On The Rock 7! The costumes were great, the crowd was impressive, and people seemed to be enjoying themselves tremendously.

I sold bunch of books, and had great feedback from people who have been on the St. John's Haunted Hike, or who've read my books, or my column in the newspaper.  I had several people tell me how much they love the Hike, and had pictures taken with fans! Yay!

I've been letting people know that I'm running a contest this weekend. If you follow @dalejarvis on twitter or like my author facebook page, you will be entered to win a copy of "Haunted Waters".  And if you follow @sjhauntedhike or like the Hike's facebook page, you might win some free passes!  After the convention is over, I'll be taking all the new likes and follows and picking random winners. So start liking and following today!

I'll be back at SFOTR tomorrow, and will hosting the Paranormal Story Swap at 2pm. Hope to see some of you there, and I'll be signing books afterwards.

I've posted a bunch of pics into my "Pros, and Cons" facebook album, but one of the pics I like best is this one of steampunk aficionado Lilly Fisk, below! Great hat!

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