Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Newfoundland Mermaids... for the win!!

About a month ago, I got an email from Erin, a grade four student at All Hallows Elementary, North River. She was working on a Heritage Fair project, and had decided to do it on the folklore of mermaids in Newfoundland. So I sent her some information, and wrote up a little bit about mermaids in Newfoundland for my "Newfoundland Unexplained"column in The Telegram.

Then, the other day, I got this email from Erin, and the photo above of her with her winning presentation:
Thank you for all the help you gave me with my project. I won first place! That means I'm going to the regional fair at Amalgamated! As promised I will send you a picture of the finished project. It was really nice talking with you. Thanks,
Congratulations, and good luck, Erin! 

1 comment:

Sylvia J. said...

Good show!