Friday 2 July 2021

Southside pig stolen by the fairies! (maybe...)

The award for "Best Excuse for Missing Pig" goes to Farmer John of the Southside of St. John's, whose story was told in the Evening Telegram of 1897-02-08:

THE MISSING PIG. John is a farmer who lives on the Southside, but one of the many pigs which he is owner of suddenly and mysteriously disappeared on Saturday morning. A search party was arranged, but up to sunset that evening not as much as the "oneen's"' footsteps could be traced in the snow. John left to procure the service of Head Dawe, but when about 29 feet from his house the pig loomed up before him. As to where piggy was various opinions have been expressed; but .Jack says either he or the pig must have been with the fairies.

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